How to categorize asking prices for Cirrus SR22-G2 airplanes

Cirrus SR22-G2, with owner upgrade 4-blade prop, photo credit wikiWings
Cirrus SR22-G2, with owner upgrade 4-blade prop, photo credit wikiWings

The second generation SR22 was the largest production run of that model at 1,616 airplanes. As noted in previous articles, only about 2% are available for sale. When evaluating these pre-owned SR22-G2s how do you categorize asking prices? Here’s a 3 step process:

First, divide the list into two groups: GTS and non-GTS models. The Generation Two Special had almost all of the available factory options.  It’s a starting point for comparing like models. But you’ll need to check the listing details for non-GTS models. Many owners have upgraded their planes.

Second, divide the list further into two more groups: planes with air-conditioning and those without. Air-conditioning is about a $30,000 add-on option in the aftermarket. Now’s the time to decide if you want that cool feature.

Third, sort the list by total time on airframe and engine.

After you weight the importance of these three factors you’ll be able to more easily evaluate additional owner improvements, for example, has the plane been upgraded to Wide Area Argumentation System (WAAS) navigation or is it in compliance with the ADSB out mandate for January 1, 2020.

Next week we’ll use this methodology to organize current asking prices for the SR22-G2 GTS model airplanes.

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