How much does a Cirrus Perspective SR22-G3 cost?

The first Cirrus Perspective by Garmin SR22 was manufactured in 2008. It’s a coveted year for buyers wanting the Perspective, and the first production year should provide the lowest pre-owned asking prices, but that’s not the situation anymore.

Currently, demand is greater than supply and it may stay that way. This month, there were no 2008 models listed on Controller. This past summer, I saw one 2008 normally aspirated (non-turbo) Perspective but the asking price after adjusting for total time was higher than that of a turbo Cirrus Perspective SR22TN. Continue reading “How much does a Cirrus Perspective SR22-G3 cost?”

How much does a Cirrus SR22-G2 GTS cost?

GTS models offer a good price check point because these planes have fully loaded avionics, along with similar interior and exterior enhancements. What are the asking prices for Cirrus SR22-G2 GTS planes?

For a low-time SR22-G2 GTS with air-conditioning, and no other owner upgrades, expect an asking price around $259,000. Pricing should reflect total time, condition and owner upgrades, such as, air-conditioning, WAAS or DFC-90 autopilot. Continue reading “How much does a Cirrus SR22-G2 GTS cost?”

Cirrus Aircraft SR22 Centennial Edition

In 2003, Cirrus created “The Centennial of Flight 1903 – 2003” SR22 to commemorate the Wright Brothers and 100 years of powered flight. The exterior paint finish is a “linen” white reminiscent of the fabric used on the Wright Flyer. The plane has an exclusive commemorative striping package and displays the centennial of flight logo on the vertical stabilizer. Continue reading “Cirrus Aircraft SR22 Centennial Edition”